encrypting file system artinya
- encrypting file system
- file: fail; memfile; arsip; barisan; berbaris; kikir;
- file system: sistem fail; sistem berkas; sistem pengarsipan
- system: cara; sistem; susunan; efisiensi; jaringan; tubuh
- Recover passwords to a variety of office documents, archives, encrypting file systems, Windows and email accounts, and remove many more types of password protection.
Memulihkan password untuk berbagai dokument kantor, arsip, sistem file enkripsi, Windows dan akun email, dan menghapuskan sejumlah proteksi password. - Additional features include the ability to receive Remote Desktop connections, the ability to participate in a Windows Server domain, Encrypting File System, Hyper-V, and Virtual Hard Disk Booting, Group Policy as well as BitLocker and BitLocker To Go.
Fitur tambahan meliputi kemampuan untuk menerima koneksi Remote Desktop, ikut serta dalam Domain Windows Server, Enkripsi Berkas Sistem, Hyper-V, pemuatan (booting) Virtual Hard Disk, Group Policy, BitLocker dan BitLocker To Go.